By now everyone knows that an engaging website is a key factor for all businesses, but what exactly does that mean? Whether your small business is just starting out or trying to expand its reach, we’ve rounded up the top seven basic tips for creating a successful website. Consider this list your website starter pack, with even more specific website tips to follow!

1) Responsive Design
Responsive Web Design is an approach to web design that makes it easy to read your site on a number of devices – Mac, PC, cell phone, tablet, and any browser window. Sites that use Responsive Design are typically made in a fluid, proportion-based grid format, so that sizing can be automatically adjusted by percentage to fit the correct screen size with ease.
2) Mobile-First Design According to comScore, 71 percent of digital minutes in the U.S. are spent on mobile devices. Sites that don’t have a responsive and easy-to-use mobile version will have a higher bounce rate (which refers to the number of people leaving the site after viewing only one page), lower search ranking, and fewer conversions (read: sales!).
3) Consistent Design Theme It’s important to pin down a color palette, font system (be sure to choose digital fonts), patterns, and imagery style to use in all your branded materials. Each of these choices will evoke certain feelings, moods, and image about your brand – be thoughtful about what each element says about your brand and how it will come across to your ideal customers. Many web designers will put this together in an easy to use brand style guide, which should be referenced for any creative changes to the site. 4) Effective Headline The first headline on your site must clearly explain what you do and why that’s important to the audience in as few words as possible. When someone lands on your site you only have a moment to keep their attention; that line has to tell them they are in the right place. 5) Copy that Sells Less is more. Tell your brand story clearly, simply, and in a consistent tone that matches your brand. 6) Engaging Photography A photo that tells a story and evokes emotion will draw people in and convince them to move through your website. Images need to be beautiful, high-quality, and relevant to the brand – they have the ability to make or break the brand image. Look to Unspalsh, Pexels and Creative Market for stock photography to supplement your photos.
7) Clear CTA (Call to Action) The entire purpose of your website is to get people to act, but you must ask your audience to take action; if you don't make the ask, you can't make the sale. Tell them to book that consult, schedule a demo, or make a reservation, just make sure it's a natural next step. Don't ask someone to buy a business consulting agreement right from the site. Instead ask them to schedule a call or view a webinar to move them through the buyer journey.
Do you need help mastering the above? If so, speak with a consultant at Ellie Brands to get your website off on the right foot. Already a pro at these tips? Keep an eye out for more blog posts that include a deeper dive into technical development, search optimization, security, and more.